Who’s Walking Down The Streets Of The City…

Every one knows it’s Sandy…

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — A potentially huge weather event could hit the Tri-State Area as early as Sunday night.

The storm system is forecast to linger in the area through Tuesday and could bring with it severe winds, rains and storm surges.

…A cold front was set to advance east from the northern Plains states, and if it arrives in time, the front could push Hurricane Sandy out to sea. But if the front lags behind, the East Coast, including the New York City area, could be in for a direct hit.

The worst case scenario, as displayed in the European model for the storm, had the hurricane slamming the New York City area with 5 inches of rain from Sunday through Tuesday, and wind gusts of 65 mph. A storm surge would also erupt in that model, and some snow could also be seen.

The European Model.

That’s always the worst-case for the US, isn’t it?

The Question is Finally Asked: CNN Heartache

…or is it heartburn?

Why didn’t President Obama tell the truth about what happened in Benghazi?

The truth about what happened in Benghazi – and when President Obama knew it – could have a huge impact on the closing days of this campaign.

Turns out the White House, the State Department and the FBI were all told two hours after the September 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi that an Islamic militant group had claimed responsibility. Two hours.

One government e-mail from the State Department shows a Libyan group – called Ansar al-Sharia – claimed responsibility for the attack on Facebook and Twitter. The group denied responsibility the next day.

This is big. It suggests that the president had reports that very day that the attacks that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans weren’t because of some film clip.

And yet – we heard just the opposite.

It took the administration nine days to refer to the attack as the work of terrorists.

Jack Cafferty will get no Christmas card from the Obama’s this year. CBS did a good job on the evening news tonight, ABCWorldNews Tonight blew it completely.

We’ll see how much play Cafferty’s query gets on his network’s air.

And Now For Some Needed Nigel

As much as I adore this man I just can’t get over the fact that he looks like Homer Simpson

I Like Mussels

I really do. I mean, sure, I guess I’d drive to a couple different stores to find some if I felt the urge to make a batch.

But even I have my limits

The Inuit of Arctic Canada take huge risks to gather mussels in winter. During extreme low tides, they climb beneath the shifting sea ice, but have less than an hour before the water returns.

…The locals can only do this during extreme low tides, when sea ice drops by up to 12m (about 40 feet), opening fissures through which the exposed seabed – and its edible riches – can be glimpsed. The best time to go is when the moon is either full or brand new, as this is when the tide stays out the longest.

Filmed for the BBC’s Human Planet, they lower themselves into these temporary caverns to gather as many fat and juicy mussels as they can before the tide rushes back in.

They are insane.

October 23, 1983 ~ 241 Marines Lost Their Lives in the Beirut Barracks Bombing

Hezbollah says they’re “not terrorists”.


Semper Fi.

NEVER forget.

To Get Sis Ready For Her Favorite Day

This may be the best way I’ve ever seen to carve a pumpkin

(thanks to Vodka)

The Biden Borrowing Continues

First it was speeches and life-stories from Neil Kinnock.

Now it’s style and diction from the Beluga “Noc.”

I think we’d be better off with Noc but a heartbeat away…

What A Peevish, Small, Petulant, Rude Little Person

Our President is. The constant erronious interrupting when he knew that Romney couldn’t tell him to just STFU was so condescending and arrogant.

Romney started off somewhat haltingly but certainly seemed to find his keel as the evening progressed; I didn’t watch all of it (I was doing something far more important: making pahs) whilst His Royal Majesty got ruder and ruder and stutterblubbally whenever he departed from his memorized cliches.

Ships that go under water? Get out of here!

“Please don’t tell the Smartest President Evuh that I exist.

ths update: As a Marine who’s actually seen a bayonet attached to a weapon a time a two or so her ownself, and was pained by (GOD it hurts to say this, even four years later) OUR President’s willful and APPALLING ignorance ~ coupled with his manic impulse to “nyahnyah nyahnyah NYAH NYAH” every time he thinks things are going his way and that HUGE intellect can’t quite detect it’s actually HIS ASS getting handed to him in a gentlemanly fashion ~ let me add The Daily Caller’s fact check and what could very well be the Quote of the Day in the comments:

And in 14 days we’ll have one fewer horse’s ass. This communist organizer has no credibility speaking about the US military.

A consummation devoutly to be wished.

As for the underwater “ships” ~ known as “BOATS” to that same Navy ~ they are full of “SEAMEN”, hence offensive to women, a key demographic for the Obama campaign (DUH!) and he flies AirForce One everywhere anyway, so who the f*ck needs the things. #WarOnWimmens #MichellesVacationsComefirst

Another Halloween Snowstorm?

I love this kind of talk


“Baroclinic forcing” sounds really unpleasant.

and of course Accuweather is panting about some potential XXX-rated weather Pr0n

Tropical Storm Sandy has formed in the Caribbean, and scenarios for its final destination range from bypassing the East Coast to creating a nightmare for millions of people.

…The worst case scenario for the East Coast involves Sandy paralleling the coast from Florida to the Carolinas this weekend before being drawn inland into the mid-Atlantic or New England early next week.

While the Southeast coast would face heavy rain, strong winds and rough surf, far more serious impacts await communities from Virginia to Maine if this solution pans out.

Reminiscent of the “Perfect Storm,” the weather setup could even lead to heavy, wet snow in the Appalachian Mountains on Sandy’s western side.

However, the above solution is far from set in stone. There is equal possibility that the jet stream will sweep east fast enough to offer the East Coast protection from Sandy. Bermuda may then become the storm’s target.

I blame Bush.

Obama’s Super Secret Debate Prep

H/T IJ Review and Michael Johnson/CainTV


Hilarious, Just Frickin’ HILARIOUS

And true.

“Blindly Walking Around in the White House Looking for a Clue”

Oh, yes.

No Child MO-ron Left Behind

Just stand behind the MO-ron Vice-President, please.

There ya go.

This Business Of Four Americans Murdered

Oh sure it’s not optimal, sure it’s a bump in the road but hey it’s really not an issue

JOE KLEIN, TIME MAGAZINE: Tomorrow night is fascinating because, in truth, these guys don’t disagree all that much on all this stuff. They essentially have the same positions on foreign policy. This business about the, you know, the Libya consulate has been like the October mirage – it really isn’t an issue.

It’s really hateful how these nasty people try to diminish the Light Bringer, the One, Tamer of Unicorns and Curer of the Oceans.

Today’s Posts

Are brought to you by Mannix

Obama’s America

Freedom of speech is not optimal

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the 55-year-old filmmaker responsible for the anti-Muslim video that President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice initially and wrongly blamed for inciting the deadly terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, is still being held at the Los Angeles Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) without bond.

…Mr. Nakoula’s next court date is on November 9, three days after the presidential election. In the meantime, while the Obama administration passes blame around over who dropped the ball with the attack in Benghazi, Mr. Nakoula remains locked up and muzzled in a Los Angeles detention center until after the ballots for president are counted on November 6.

Of course this guy is a big threat to our society

It has been almost one month since Mr. Nakoula was arrested for allegedly violating the terms of his probation for a 2010 bank-fraud conviction. According to reports, under his probation, Mr. Nakoula was prohibited from using computers and the internet without supervision.

Oh my, how horrific a crime.

Spam Of The Day

I became which means that happy so you can get my personal when i adore him or her! Relating to a couple twos dark chocolate tall in addition to proverb tall. This proverb tall happen to be really differnt with the candies. THe outside cloth fabric is basically totally different. This candies happen to be comfortable as well as chestnuts take time and effort. Same with within the particular dark chocolate types can be really bushy in addition to comfortable in just as well as proverb is not as bushy provides totally different hair and much less hair and they really don’t always keep people located at designer.

I think I saw “twos dark chocolate tall” on a Starbucks’ menu.

Not Sure of the Year, Since Everyone’s So Very Young

…but the National Anthem is so simple and beautiful, I cried…more than usual.

The combined service Academy Choirs and the US Army Herald Trumpet Corps.

Man, What Gorgeous Weather We’re Having!

A simply stunning Fall day, bright sunshine and temps in the upper 60s….what’s the old politically-incorrect term for it…”Elizabeth Warren Summer”?

Are You SH*TTIN’ ME?!?!?!

That daft, ambulance chasing c-word turns my stomach at mere thought, less mind her actually DOING something.

How revolting.

The Astonishing Thing to Me is Not That CBS Ran a Complimentary Report on Mitt Romney

…but that Oprah Winfrey’s best friend sounded like his most vociferous defender during the segment. I mean, come on!

When Gayle asks, “And what’s WRONG with success?”…

…the times, they ARE a changin’.

H/T Instapundit.

“It’s Not Optimal” (Bumped For Update)

Blest be the ties that binders

President Barack Obama, during an interview to be shown on Comedy Central, has responded to a question about his administration’s communications after the Benghazi attack, by saying: ‘If four Americans get killed, it’s not optimal.’

Obama was speaking to Jon Stewart of The Daily Show for a programme to be broadcast tonight.

Stewart, a liberal whose audience of young voters is prized by the Obama campaign, asked the president about his handling of the aftermath of the Benghazi attack.

It’s also a bump in the road and a drag for the guy who is “…very confident about is my judgment in foreign policy is, I believe, better than any other candidate in this race, Republican or Democrat”.

As the record has so clearly shown.

UPDATE: Oh hells yes

The mother of an American diplomat killed during a terrorist raid on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi has hit out at Barack Obama for describing the attack as ‘not optimal’, saying: ‘My son is not very optimal – he is also very dead.’

It’s a Crappy Little Rag Anyway

“US Weekly” I mean.

US Weekly headline blares cost of Ann Romney’s dress — though first lady’s cost twice that

Readers of US Weekly might have had some sticker shock when they saw a headline yesterday breaking the news that Ann Romney’s debate-night dress retails for $1,690.

But it turns out Michelle Obama’s debate ensemble cost twice as much.

The US Weekly piece went on to report this, but somehow the Obama outfit pricetag was not mentioned in the headline.

…While Ann Romney was sporting a “short-sleeved crimped cotton silk dress by Oscar de la Renta,” that is not yet in stores, as US Weekly reported, the first lady was wearing a “hot pink” outfit of her own — that together cost $3,290.


Actually Obama’s Speech Wasn’t Bad

He had some good lines at the Al Smith Dinner last night.

But Romney really was funny as hell and hits Obama and himself with some seriously good zingers.

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