24 Years-O-Bliss


Happy Anniversary my Beloved Bride!

Daughter has offered to take us out to dinner tonight (provided I give her my credit card of course), which I think is exceptionally sweet on her part.

Who’s got it better than me?

13 Responses to “24 Years-O-Bliss”

  1. Julie says:

    Awww… where’s the “like” button on this thing? 🙂 Congrats!

  2. JeffS says:

    Happy anniversary, Bingleys!

  3. tree hugging sister says:

    ADORE my SISTER Sue! She’s the only one on the family with a “nice” certificate.

  4. major dad says:

    I’m at least even…Congrats Bing and Sue!

  5. NJSue says:

    And Dear Daughter, old enough to drive but not to drink in a restaurant, can be the designated driver. It’s a win-win!

  6. tree hugging sister says:

    Now THAT’S “Family Planning”.

  7. gregor says:

    Boy, that’s swell! Congratulations!

  8. BlackDog says:

    Congratulations! Hope to hear from both of you on the next 24th. But will your daughter pay with her credit card?

  9. Kate P says:

    Happy anniversary and many more!

  10. Rob says:

    Happy Belated … 🙂

  11. Tim Bond says:

    Good guys like you deserved the bliss of a loving committed relationship!
    Happy Anniversary!

  12. nightfly says:

    Woo-hoo! Congrats to the Bings family!

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