Was He Charged With “Solder-Me”?

Via Ace comes this cautionary tale for all you 40 year old males still living in mom’s basement

A man who got his penis stuck in a steel pipe had to be cut free by firefighters using a metal grinder, after doctors in casualty could not free his genitals from their metal trap.

Medics at Southampton General Hospital struggled to get the man’s penis out of the stainless steel pipe, because the restricted blood flow had caused it to become erect.

Evidently he didn’t have such troubles on the way in.

Speaking of which

The man, thought to be aged around 40, did not explain to hospital staff how exactly the pipe got stuck around his penis, after he presented himself at the hospital’s Accident & Emergency department on Tuesday morning. He was said to be ‘quite concerned and anxious’.

I bet.

10 Responses to “Was He Charged With “Solder-Me”?”

  1. Skyler says:

    Honestly, you’d think the hospital would be more discreet. I wonder if they’ll be sued for blabbing like this.

    And what if you have a iron pipe stuck on your penis and you need to fly on an airplane to get it removed?

  2. So, is this what they mean by hitting the pipe?? ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. This was back in January. I wonder what he looks like now ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Rob says:

    I thought “twice on the pipe” means the answer is no.

  5. JeffS says:

    And what if you have a iron pipe stuck on your penis and you need to fly on an airplane to get it removed?

    TSA would finally have a valid reason to yank my crank.

  6. Kate P says:

    Yeah, I was wondering if he was just prepping himself to go through airport security.

  7. nightfly says:

    LC Aggie beat me to the “laying the pipe” joke. Ah well.

  8. greg newsom says:

    How did he get to the phone? Or did he have his cell phone in his hand too?
    Maybe he yelled out,”Momma
    call 911,I got my foot stuck in the drain”

  9. Gunslinger says:

    “Medics at Southampton General Hospital struggled to get the manโ€™s penis out of the stainless steel pipe,”

    They should have just lopped off his crank since he didn’t care enough to show an ounce of discretion in where he stuck it.

  10. Yojimbo says:

    I don’t understand why y’all are so harsh on this fella. He’s obviously from around Ajo Arizona and felt homesick for Organ Pipe National Park.

    Being an unemployed pipefitter probably didn’t help. Can you blame him for keeping his hand in the…. business?

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