A Song For Elizabeth Warren

(apologies to Paul Revere)

My CV couldn’t get any traction
‘Til I checked the “Minority” faction
Sure I may look like Wonder Bread
But my soul’s 1/32 Red

I wasn’t asked to justify that when
Harvard hired me away from Penn
Oh it may look like fraud or worse
But so what? I made them more diverse

Cherokee Professor, picked by Laurence Tribe
So proud to game, so proud to lie

They’ve made an issue of my self-selection
(Like “honor” counts in a close election!)
“Identity” is important when you’re
A suburban white gal who is up for tenure

Cherokee Professor, picked by Laurence Tribe
So proud to game, so proud to lie

8 Responses to “A Song For Elizabeth Warren”

  1. JeffS says:

    Bravo! Bravo!

  2. Gary from Jersey says:

    Is that racist or sexist? Both, somehow? It’s getting confusing. Thanks, Trayvon.

  3. Fausta says:

    Sing it!!

  4. nightfly says:

    :::lit Zippo held aloft:::

  5. Mockingbird says:

    Why isn’t that woman working in a casino?

  6. Yojimbo says:

    I give it a 95. It had a nice beat and was easy to dance to.

    And thanks for the Paul Revere and the Raiders setting on the Wayback Machine!

  7. Gunslinger says:


  8. KingShamus says:

    Nice Larry Tribe shout-out.

    I see what you did there.

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