“We Owe! We Owe! So Off to Work (If We’re Lucky) We Go!”

Your Motivational Poster of the Day from the TONE DEAF, narcissistic, “I don’t remember exactly how much” Obama campaign.

11 Responses to ““We Owe! We Owe! So Off to Work (If We’re Lucky) We Go!””

  1. Dr Alice says:

    That thing defines bad silk screening. It looks like it was done by someone who had no arms and had to use their feet.

  2. tree hugging sister says:

    The only thing it’s lacking is a Swedish soft-core porn actress moaning over it, like the old Overstock commercials, “All about the ‘O’…


  3. major dad says:

    What a bunch of dopes…

  4. JeffS says:

    Guess they weren’t getting enough sales from the Flag Of O, huh?

  5. leelu says:

    Two words: Clue. Less.

  6. Fausta says:

    The People’s Cube MUST have infiltrated the O campaign, if this is for real.

  7. tree hugging sister says:

    It’s real, ’cause it’s MY screencap of the their website.

    A source of perpetually alternating amusement and disgust.

    I hope to God noone’s actually SPENDING 35 hard earned bucks on any of this tripe.

  8. nightfly says:

    This all reads as so pathetic… buy a raffle ticket for dinner with Barack! Tell him you’re “in”! Buy his tour t-shirt and souvenir bobblehead!

    This reeks of desperation that honestly reminds me of Caligula’s desperate fundraising in the book “I Claudius”… right down to the confiscation of rich citizens’ estates (“paying your fair share”). Yikes.

  9. aelfheld says:

    You think Disney, I think Metro Goldwyn Mayer: O We O, O O, O We O, O O

    With Pelosi as Momba.

  10. Gunslinger says:

    Thirty five dollars for that hunk of crap? Whomever actually buy that should be institutionalized.

  11. […] (the conservative satire site) MUST have infiltrated the O campaign, if this is for real,” wrote a commenter on one site. “1st prize for the MOST (unintentionally) HILARIOUS GOOF in recent memory must go […]

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