Obama Keeps Peddling the “Romney Wanted Detroit to DIE!!” Lie

Oddly enough, “Detroit” seems not to be swallowing it.



7 Responses to “Obama Keeps Peddling the “Romney Wanted Detroit to DIE!!” Lie”

  1. Syd B. says:

    I wonder if, on Nov 7, Obama will change his podium symbol to read, “President Obama – Unelect”?

  2. aelfheld says:

    There is an apparent exodus of rodents from the SS Obama.

  3. Gary from Jersey says:

    Colin Powell endorsed O. Says he’s still a Republican, though.

  4. Syd B. says:

    Color trumps all.

  5. Gunslinger says:

    On November 7th Obamas slogan of “Forward” will be replaced with “Over and Out”.

  6. leelu says:

    Syd… apparently not.


  7. JeffS says:

    Obama lies because that’s all he has.

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