At Least Mayoro Bloombito and Bingley Agree on One Thing

3 Responses to “At Least Mayoro Bloombito and Bingley Agree on One Thing”

  1. Kathy Kinsley says:

    Have to say I agree with half of that. ” Snowbracabra” doesn’t throw me. lol

    But unless Jules Verne has something against the northeast, Nemo is a bit silly – according to Wikipedia “Nemo is a Latin word meaning “no man” or “no one”…”

    Couldn’t it have been give a real name? Idi (Amin), Attila (the Hun), etc. This thing is going to be a killer. “No one??”

  2. AliceH says:

    Not just Jules Verne — Homer (Odyssey) also.

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