“If We Dump This Shit Off Right Now, With All the Sequestration Screaming Going On…”

“…no one’ll notice JACK on a Friday afternoon…

“Sounds like a plan. Just clean ’em up good anyway.”

5 Responses to ““If We Dump This Shit Off Right Now, With All the Sequestration Screaming Going On…””

  1. aelfheld says:

    Deaths, and lying about them, are the calling card of the left/liberal/progressive.

  2. Gunslinger says:

    But let’s not forget that this is the most transparent administration Evahhhhh!!!

    (Is it wrong to wish hemorrhagic fever on the entire District of Columbia)?

  3. JeffS says:

    I’d recommend an asteroid impact, Guns. Damage control is simpler.

  4. aelfheld says:

    JeffS, but there is much in D.C. worth preserving – well, architecturally. Absent a neutron bomb, some sort of plague is the only way to remove the vermin while keeping the good parts.

  5. JeffS says:

    Hemorrhagic fever, asteroids. Decisions, decisions….

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