Mr. Sulky Pants Notwithstanding

The short ribs turned out pretty darned yummy.

after they sat all night in the fridge to congealulate I took the pot out and gently skimmed off the fat chunks then put it on the stove on medium to simmer and reduce some more


while that was enthickalating I made some unctuous mashed spuds and my Bride oven roasted some brussel sprouts


nom nom de nom nom nom

I need to buy bigger plates.

2 Responses to “Mr. Sulky Pants Notwithstanding”

  1. Kathy Kinsley says:

    Ah – “congealulate” – I love it. GOOD word.

    And it’s pretty much a google original – I get RIGHT here if I google it. 😛

  2. Mr. Bingley says:

    woo-hoo! I’m helping the language grow!

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