Summer Is Fast Disappearing

And that means we need to glutinate ourselves now on yums like grilled scallops and swordfish


and also on vitamin-packed beverages


Health Food!

5 Responses to “Summer Is Fast Disappearing”

  1. Crusader says:

    I do hope you reeled that one in some way other than backwards.

  2. Mr. Bingley says:

    hehehe! my one and only deep-sea fishing trip had to turn out…oddly!

  3. Julie says:

    Just wondering, what is the clump of stuff at about 2 oclock? Potato salad? (… Now you’ve got me thinking about lunch and it’s 3 hours away…)

  4. Mr. Bingley says:

    mashed spuds with pec-romano and fresh nutmeg

  5. Dave E. says:

    A well-balanced diet.

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