If You Haven’t Already

…then today’s the day.


DAMN, it’s gonna be a long night…I HOPE. 😀

7 Responses to “If You Haven’t Already”

  1. Mr. Bingley says:

    At this point I just want a ‘winner’ by tomorrow morning.

    Or a meteor.

  2. tree hugging sister says:

    Cthulu is in the wings if SMOD is late.

  3. BlackDog says:

    Must vote for Cthulhu. Why leave the destruction of the human race to incompetents!

  4. Dr Alice says:

    It is 7:47 PM PST and I can’t believe what I’m seeing. Wow.

  5. Oh, what a beautiful morning; oh, what a beautiful day!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Kathy Kinsley says:

    @Mike – lol.

  7. tree hugging sister says:

    It WAS a LONG night. At least somebody told me it was, lol!

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