Break Out Your Bestest, Shiniest Kilt

They’re gonna be highland flinging in Philly.

Of course Bingley…

…has been left off the guest list thanks to his penchant for smirking in a ghastly and untimely fashion (check the last photo).

4 Responses to “Break Out Your Bestest, Shiniest Kilt”

  1. Dan Collins says:

    It’s so unseemly, THS.

  2. Mr. Bingley says:

    Somehow I don’t see them stopping at Geno’s for a cheesesteak; I’m sure Chuck will end up with a “Free Mumia” button at some point, as he’s such a bumble-brain.

  3. Hey Danster! And I am sorry, but it’s the only pic I have of Bingster in his evening threads.

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