There Should Be No Woman Left Alive in Italy

…France or Germany considering this statement. Like the Ent wives, they should all be gone.

…But experts now say there is enough evidence to blame alcohol for breast cancer — and to start educating the public.

And my blood runs cold at the ‘start educating the public’…

3 Responses to “There Should Be No Woman Left Alive in Italy”

  1. Skyler says:

    I never ever pay any attention to people who claim to know what causes cancer, what is healthy to eat, etc. They have no idea what they’re talking.
    When it comes to food, I’ve seen every imagineable food be declared bad for you, then good for you, then bad for you, then good for you.
    I will eat anything I want whenever and in whatever quantities my tastes prefer. And I will laugh at the chicken littles.
    Everything in moderation.

  2. Gunslinger says:

    These studies are nothing more than a grab for research dollars.

    I will eat anything I want whenever and in whatever quantities my tastes prefer. And I will laugh at the chicken littles.
    Everything in moderation.

    Amen brotha!

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