More Proof Of Gorebal Warmening

Crisis! We must stop all carbon production now!!!

Scotland’s ski centres have had the “best snow for years” as a result of the country’s recent wintry weather.
All five of the country’s snow sports areas have opened early – an achievement which operators said was highly unusual.
All the areas reported superb snow, with most main runs complete and ample nursery areas.

A Scottish climate scientist examines the profound effects AGW is having on Scotland
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3 Responses to “More Proof Of Gorebal Warmening”

  1. Skyler says:

    Don’t forget the snow in Baghdad yesterday!

  2. Mr. Bingley says:

    Hehe, that’s right, I forgot about that.
    It’s a consnowacy!

  3. They SAID if Bush were elected…

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