The Most Popular Part In Lower Manhattan

And I do mean “in” and not “of.”
Seriously. I walk by here every day, and the crowd of tourists is many deep and never ending…and they are having a great time getting their pictures take next to it…embracing it…caressing it.
And, let’s be honest: if you were a tourist in Manhattan, you’d be there too!
You know what I’m talking about…

Yeah baby.

10 Responses to “The Most Popular Part In Lower Manhattan”

  1. Dave E. says:

    Bullish on America?

  2. The_Real_JeffS says:

    That is so wrong.
    Why? Because there’s no statue of lesbian gorillas in NYC?

  3. WunderKraut says:

    I infer from their shininess…oh hell, you know what I mean

  4. nightfly says:

    Happiest giant brass bull in New York… or happiest giant brass bull in the world?

  5. Kate P says:

    Whoa. . . I think I prefer the lucky snout of the boar in the department store in downtown Philly.
    Ken says it’s wrong, but there’s gotta be a West Coast equivalent out there.

  6. Eric says:

    … I walked by there three years ago and a bunch of oriental tourists were gleefully getting their photos taken whilst kissing that statue’s nutsack….. I could hardly believe it……

  7. Sorry to disappoint, Kate, but there are no testicles on the west coast, bovine or otherwise. You have to go inland to my county to find any.
    Well, I’ll grant a little further west, at least to Rowell Ranch, which has rodeos.

  8. Okay, the Cow Palace has rodeos sometimes but I fear they are soon to capitulate to the ball-less hordes in San Freaky.

  9. Mark says:

    Heh… I noticed the ‘shine’ too…
    Same conclusion…

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