So. Seen Anything About Ike or Houston or Galveston on the News Lately?

Just askin’.

6 Responses to “So. Seen Anything About Ike or Houston or Galveston on the News Lately?”

  1. Jim - PRS says:

    All the reporters are in Wasilla.

  2. Mr. Bingley says:

    I saw one story sometime last week saying that 300-ish people were still missing from Ike. Geesh.

  3. Jim - PRS says:

    Kanye West, call your office. No. Wait.

  4. I guess this time the Bush Cabal did a better job of hiding all the bodies. [/FROTH]

  5. ricki says:

    Well, one of the AM stations ’round here reported that two more bodies were found this weekend. But that may be a function of where I live; I don’t think it made national news.

  6. Julie says:

    I saw this on Yahoo news, thought it was interesting because no one locally has reported this, to my knowledge:

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