Gov. Christie On School Budgets

Times are tough, we’re broke, and messages must be sent

When you go to the voting booth on Tuesday, remember that the only way we will get through the challenges of today is by facing them now. Our state, our families and our children can no longer afford government at any level that wishes problems away or stands in the way of necessary change.

There is still time to reopen negotiations and have the teachers union finally agree to reasonable, shared sacrifice — a one year freeze on salaries and a small contribution to health insurance costs. Let us keep our children in the front of our minds.

Send a clear message with your vote. If your teachers union has taken the freeze and your school board had budgeted responsibly, support them with your vote. If they have not, tell them you will not accept higher property taxes to pay for unreasonable raises when all of New Jersey is already sacrificing. Vote against budgets that don’t include shared sacrifice.

I’ve never voted against a school budget in my life.

But I will this afternoon.

3 Responses to “Gov. Christie On School Budgets”

  1. JeffS says:

    Yay, Mr B!

  2. tree hugging sister says:


  3. Mr. Bingley says:



    Who on a Sunday scrambles for a tee time
    when his trip to Poland is canceled by some ash?
    And who gives offense by giving dvds and an iPod to the bloody Queen?


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