Another French Cover-Up

This is beyond cool

Deep beneath pavement pounded by tourists on Paris’ Left Bank lies an ancient path — a 2,000-year-old Roman road recently excavated during construction work.
Remnants of private houses rigged with baths and ingeniously heated floors were among the findings, now on view in a stunning dig.
-Michel Euler / AP file
A 2,000-year-old Roman road, recently excavated during construction work on the Pierre and Marie Curie University campus, is located in Paris’ Left Bank.

…right up to THIS part.

Over the next few weeks, however, archaeologists will rip up the ruins to make way for a research center.

Cripes! We stumble over a 1700’s shipwreck on NAS Pensacola and completely realign the multimillion dollar project whose digging uncovered it. But find…

Archaeologists said it was the first such site discovered in the city — known as Lutetia in pre-Roman and Roman Gaul — from the reign of Roman emperor Augustus (63 B.C.-14 A.D.).

…and you’d still better be done by June 30th, ’cause we’ve got a building to throw up. Cherish your past, n’est pas?
Well, in their defense, the Romans weren’t French.

11 Responses to “Another French Cover-Up”

  1. Nightfly says:

    They still have a bit of an Asterix complex.

  2. Mike Rentner says:

    That’s not as bad as what happened in Zeugma.

  3. Dan Collins says:

    Zeugma=the smegma of Zeus?
    I think that they ought to blow atoll to bits in their bikinis.

  4. Mr. Bingley says:

    Either of Zeus or the citizens of Zug.

  5. Mike Rentner says:

    That’s just a little obscene.
    Zeugma was a city on the Euphrates in present day Turkey that was re-discovered while they were building a dam to submerge the valley it was located in.

  6. Dan Collins says:

    Wait, THS–in whose defense? Ancient Romans or Modern French?

  7. Dan Collins says:

    zeug·ma ( P ) Pronunciation Key (zgm)
    A construction in which a single word, especially a verb or an adjective, is applied to two or more nouns when its sense is appropriate to only one of them or to both in different ways, as in He took my advice and my wallet.
    [Latin, from Greek, a joining, bond. See yeug- in Indo-European Roots.]
    It must have been confusing living in a figure of speech in the fertile crescent.

  8. Hmmm, I thought at first the French, but, now that you’ve asked, I guess the Romans would be thankful.
    Those are GLORIOUS, Mike! I remember reading National Geographic rabidly during another archeological rescue attempt.

  9. And Dan, don’t kid yourself ~ you’re confusing me now…damn cagey college professors.

  10. Gunslinger says:

    The French *spit* aren’t the only ones destroying the past, so are the Spanish.

  11. THAT is unbelievable!! Makes me cry. What a shame.

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