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May 31, 2005
"...open war on black males"
Protesting the new "Castle Doctrine" Law. A day late and a dollar short.
Instead of slavery, the chains now come in the form of laws that are a threat to the black community, said a number of speakers at the two-hour rally Monday.
But critics say that the bill just gives people a license to kill that can easily be abused or misinterpreted."What about all those people who perpetuate hate and who will use this as an act of aggression?" said the Rev. Hugh King, president of the Pensacola chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the organization that conducted the event.
If they really felt that way, why weren't they protesting in the streets as the bill made it's way through the Florida Senate and House? The local fishwrap is always up for a photo-op, as is our ABC affiliate. Nothing like huge rally coverage for circulation. Where was the Southern Leadership Conference then? Or the ACLU, for that matter.
Chicago Alderman Dorothy Tillman, formerly of Pensacola, said the law will "lead to open war on black males.""It's almost a way to eliminate people. Black men will be under the ground more than ever."
Tillman, a former staffer for King, was not on the list of speakers but was invited to the stage.
Good grief. Maybe she shoulda hopped a train on down here when she first heard about it being considered, instead of showing up when it's already a done deal. People. Citizens black, white, orange, green, yellow, blue or Venusian, especially in leadership positions, have an obligation to ACT when something they perceive as morally wrong is first raised, not after it has become law. No one was marching in the streets here before passage, I can tell you that. Where was their letter writing campaign, their emails of outrage, the editorial floods at the local fishwrap, a gathering or two downtown on the Courthouse steps? Maybe if they had taken on the fight prior and let their Democratic representatives know where they stood in a manner and volume most firm, the weenies they've elected wouldn't have 'sold' them out. Like this guy, who at first glance seemed pretty likely to agree with them.
"Under the wording of this bill, somebody could go onto any of the streets and if they think somebody is walking toward them in a threatening fashion, they can pull out a gun and begin blasting away," said Sen. Steven Geller, D-Hallandale Beach, who sought unsuccessfully to amend the bill on Tuesday."We're heading towards a "Wild West' mentality," Geller said. "I am concerned that you could literally have two guys standing on the street, both of them ready, the guns at their side, and then say, "Well, the other guy threatened me so I pulled a gun and shot him in self defense.' "
But I guess no one let him know they felt the same...
Geller voted for the bill anyway. Otherwise, "We'd be seen as Democrats soft on crime," he said.
Yeah. Soft about covers it. So go home already.
Posted by tree hugging sister at May 31, 2005 05:09 PM
Dumbasses. This is nitwittery of the highest order.
1. And I quote: "Florida Senate Bill 436, signed last month by Gov. Jeb Bush... guarantees that people aren't prosecuted for using deadly force against intruders on their property."
The emphasis is mine, and apparently lost on the fools who think that this will lead to running gun battles in the streets. (Concealed carry permits were supposed to cause that already. Dammit, you legislators aren't working hard enough!)
2. By claiming this law targets at black men, the protestors presume that most criminal intruders are black. Can you say "racist jerks"?
3. "What about all those people who perpetuate hate and who will use this as an act of aggression?" Sigh. Again - intruders. Defending one's life on one's property. Aggressors will be prosecuted, you dumbass.
4. When I was a journo major I was told to make sure I found somebody who agreed and somebody who disagreed and put them both in the story. I wait in vain for this account to carry anyone who thought that the law was correct and is glad it passed.
Don't these people have actual lives to get back to?
Posted by: Nightfly at May 31, 2005 05:23 PM
"Don't these people have actual lives to get back to?"
Florida's legislators are part-timers. The profesisonal protest crowd, unfortunately, are not.
Posted by: Dave J at May 31, 2005 06:51 PM
Dorothy Tillman is the racist bitch that insisted two white waiters be replaced with black waiters at a luncheon in Chicago years ago.
She was quoted as saying…
"We'll go to banquet after banquet after banquet, and we won't be served by our people. We shouldn't eat where we can't work. It's not personal against anybody, I'm just pro my people."
I hope that idiot is clobbered by a fireball from space and her ashes are buried in one of her stupid hat boxes.
Posted by: Gunslinger at May 31, 2005 09:00 PM
"When I was a journo major I was told to make sure I found somebody who agreed and somebody who disagreed and put them both in the story."
No offense, Fly, but I got that in high school on the school paper (whose advisor was a card-carrying leftoid-feminist but was still one of my favorite teachers in high school - go figure, huh?).
Posted by: Ken Summers at May 31, 2005 09:11 PM
You know Gunny, I was wondering about her showing up when, like I said, this was already a done deal and they'd plenty of chance to be heard and yet not done a thing. Schmacked of posturing to me and inflammatory needling.
Posted by: tree hugging sister at May 31, 2005 09:43 PM
"Under the wording of this bill, somebody could go onto any of the streets and if they think somebody is walking toward them in a threatening fashion, they can pull out a gun and begin blasting away."
Not under the statute I just read. It creates a presumption of reasonable fear of death or injury in cases when a person is forcibly entering a home, dwelling, or vehicle, and states that there is no duty to retreat in such circumstances. That's been the standing law in Texas for years now (heck, for all I know, it goes back to Sam Houston), and I can say that it hasn't engendered a "Wild West mentality" -- and we are the Wild West!
With all respect to the SCLC, they would be better served trying to get a hate crime bill passed if they're worried about there being an "open season" on persons due to their race. The people most in danger of having their homes broken into or cars jacked are precisely the same people these activists seem to think will be the victims under the law. I have a lot more concern for the poor living in high-crime areas than for the posturing of professional activists.
Posted by: WatchfulBabbler at May 31, 2005 11:26 PM
Chicago Aldermen are almost always racist. This seems to be a pre-qualification for the job since Mayor Washington was first elected.
Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at June 1, 2005 02:14 AM
Geller voted for the bill anyway.
"I voted for it even though I was against it."
Where'd we hear this before?
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at June 1, 2005 07:58 AM
Babs, you guys have got to work on that "Wild West" bit, too. It'd be awfully shameful if some place filled with yankees with blue hair became more rootin'-tootin' than the Lone Star State!
Mighty shameful.
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at June 1, 2005 08:00 AM
Well lemme tell you sumthin', lil East Coast pardner. Down hyah in the Redneck Riviera, we don't start the warning sirens and loudspeakers with
'The Blue Hairs are schoolin'!!! The Blue Hairs are schoolin' !!!'
for no reason, git it? Them's dangerous and yud best be keepin' a watchful eye when the flags go up.
Posted by: tree hugging sister at June 1, 2005 11:59 AM
Mr B - you've never been to a bingo parlor, have you... These are creatures with eighty years' practice at the arts of bitter competition. I've heard some of the finest cursing imaginable at the bingo hall; seen cards ripped and trampled, threats made, and a trash can flung at an unpopular winner. Luckily their capacity for mayhem has diminished and they can't perform up to their knowledge.
They also had fantastic cheeseburgers at the snack bar, so I got dinner and a show.
Posted by: Nightfly at June 1, 2005 02:16 PM
They cussed Major Dad out at Church Bingo. he got snagged to call the numbers since the regular guy was sick (bad juju right off the bat, there) and his reviews were terrible. Damn near an insurrection until he told them to give him a break.
Posted by: tree hugging sister at June 1, 2005 02:57 PM