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May 10, 2005

You Get What You Pay For

Here's a fun little factoid: In April, insurgents launched 135 car bombings in Iraq, with half of them being suicide attacks, the U.S. military said.

How many of these were funded by Sgrena's ransom?

Posted by Mr. Bingley at May 10, 2005 03:42 PM


Too many

Posted by: Ken Summers at May 10, 2005 04:46 PM

Just about all of them, I'd reckon. Operating costs are amazingly low when you have volunteers willing to commit suicide.

Posted by: The Real JeffS at May 11, 2005 01:04 AM

Some enterprising American lawyer should hustle up a class action against the Italian government for the survivors of the kids who've died since it was paid. It'd be worth it for the publicity, since she's still running her jibs. Have to ask the Barrister ~ what's that called when your actions facilitate something happening, even though you weren't at the trigger? My Law & Order brain catalogue seems to have escaped me.

Posted by: tree hugging sister at May 11, 2005 09:55 AM