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June 09, 2005
Great Leaping Labs!!
And I really mean 'leaping lab' but didn't have room to fit the '...with the heart of a LION.
The cops had to fire so many shots to stop the lunging pit bull, the gunpowder set off an overhead smoke detector.Still, the dog didn't die.
But she wasn't the toughest dog on the block. That title belongs to Maya, a 74-pound black Lab who took on India, the 120-pound pit bull who was mauling a sixth-grader on the Northwest Side.
Now 5-year-old Maya is being hailed as a hero -- a selfless pooch who rushed out of her home to save a stranger and has a scarred body to prove it...
...As soon as their front door opened, Maya blew by, knocking the Montiels over "like bowling pins," she said. Montiel went down and Michael hit a wall.
Maya bounded down all eight stairs of her front porch in one leap, aimed for the pit bull and bit.
Swill Salute: to Robin Roberts for Maya's heroic TOP DOG Story.
Posted by tree hugging sister at June 9, 2005 04:12 PM
Go Maya!
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at June 9, 2005 04:19 PM
I'm sure Claude would be as bold, easy tempered brute that he is. Mac (the sensitive 90's male) on the other hand...
Posted by: tree hugging sister at June 9, 2005 04:32 PM
Claude is a wimp. The pet sitter who tends to him during the semesters told us that she knows whether we're home or not because when no one's home, Claude is silent when the front door is opened. Only when the family is home does he bark when anyone else approaches. I suppose I shouldn't have let the world in on the secret of our non-watchdog.
Posted by: NJ Sue at June 9, 2005 06:31 PM
Mac barks like he has an extra 50 pounds on top of his fighting weight 110. And uses all that vocal intimidation...as he backs up.
Posted by: tree hugging sister at June 10, 2005 10:13 AM