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July 29, 2005

Another Part Of Being A "Host" Country, I Guess

I guess the flights to Bangkok will be empty:

A German company is looking to cash in on an expected boom in the sex trade during next year's soccer World Cup with a 60-room brothel a walk away from Berlin's Olympic Stadium.

Well, on second thought, maybe not, as it doesn't specify that the ladies here will be teens from the interior.

One thing puzzles me though:

"This is no flash rip-off joint where clients are taken for a ride," a spokesman for the Artemis GmbH investment company behind the project, told the newspaper.

Funny, I thought that "...taking clients for a ride" was the point of such a place.

Real JeffS comments:

Named after the virgin huntress of Greek mythology, the "Artemis" complex is due to open for business in September with whirlpool, sauna, cinema, buffet restaurant and a staff of 100 prostitutes, mass circulation daily Bild reported.

Well, I wonder if anyone is going to live-blog this particular Olympic event?

Excellent query, my friend. The world will be watching JeffS; oh yes, we will.

Posted by Mr. Bingley at July 29, 2005 11:48 AM