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July 19, 2005
Tonight's Viewing
Why is it, when I so look forward to these few enough evenings alone, ~ the remotes and all they control are mine, mine alone and I am a chick flick Goddess basking in freedom to choose, with no Law and Order reruns allowed ~ that I freeze when the time comes to actually make a choice? Pffft. Alrighty, last night was a wash-out. Watched my one and only ever episode of Nanny 911 (what a hoot and there's no way those children were real...right?) and reveled in the peace and quiet. Tonight, after a smattering of news shows for SCOTUS reaction (Best quote there goes to Jonathon Turley, regarding the search for a young nominee "They would have nominated a stem cell, if they could have." Bwahahaha. Anyway...) I aim to plug in a cherished old favorite Captain Horatio Hornblower. Gregory Peck. Lordy, Lordy, Lordy Lords of the Admiralty! After that, should my eyes still function, it's
if I can figure out where Ebola spirited my copy to. Oh yeah. Glass o' red callin'.
UPDATE: Can't find it and it's too late to start it anyway. No worries. There are far worse things to sleep on than heroic images of Gregory Peck. Hotcha!
Posted by tree hugging sister at July 19, 2005 09:58 PM
"Best quote there goes to Jonathon Turley, regarding the search for a young nominee. 'They would have nominated a stem cell, if they could have.' Bwahahaha."
JT did some consulting for the Florida Legislature when I worked there. Fun guy, very smart, surprisingly less full of himself than you'd expect of someone whose primary activity appears to be being a TV talking head 24-7. But I do kind of wonder if his students at GW ever actually see him in class.
Posted by: Dave J at July 20, 2005 12:29 AM
That's certainly the impression I've gotten every time I've seen him. He also doesn't lead easily down the road an anchor type wants him to. That stem cell crack was brilliant.
Posted by: tree hugging sister at July 20, 2005 12:34 AM