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August 08, 2005
A Talent For Stating the Blatantly Obvious...
...helps when writing headlines.
Oil-For-Food Chief Accused of Kickbacks
I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you.
NEW YORK (AP) - Investigators probing claims of wrongdoing in the Iraq oil-for-food program accused its former chief, Benon Sevan, of corruption for taking illegal kickbacks and recommended his immunity be lifted for prosecution.The investigators said a former U.N. procurement officer sought a bribe and should have his immunity lifted as well. Alexander Yakovlev also was accused of collecting nearly $1 million in kickbacks outside the oil-for-food program...
...Though both men have quit, diplomatic immunity would cover their actions when they were employed. Volcker's recommendation that Annan waive that immunity was a strong indication of his conviction about the claims against them.
Sevan, a Cypriot citizen believed to be in Nicosia, was being investigated by the Manhattan District Attorney's office.
He quit FRIDAY and is in Nicosia ALREADY?! (And that would be where, you ask? 'The Cypriot capital' for $5, Alex.) Good luck dragging him back to face the musical 'Grease'.
Posted by tree hugging sister at August 8, 2005 01:31 PM
I never can keep these kleptocrats straight... is this guy Benon Sevan hiding in Nicosia, or is some guy named Nicosia hiding on Benon Seven? Should we send the G-Force out there to bring him back?
Posted by: Nightfly at August 8, 2005 04:56 PM
No, no, no, you gots it all wrong.
The renegade diplomat's benon hiding in Nicosia for sevan days.
That's like a week or sumtin. Why do I have to 'splain everything??!
Posted by: tree hugging sister at August 8, 2005 05:35 PM
So, hesa benon hiding for sevan days? Meesa got a bad feelin' about dis.
Posted by: Nightfly at August 8, 2005 06:56 PM