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August 18, 2005

Help Wanted ~ No Experience Necessary. The Unconscious...

...need not apply.

SAN RAFAEL, Calif. — A former personal assistant to Carlos Santana (search) has filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against the rock star and his company, claiming he was fired after his consciousness was "calibrated" and determined to be too low.

The lawsuit by Bruce Kuhlman (search), 59, charges that Santana's wife, Deborah, brought in a man known as "Dr. Dan" so employees could grow closer to God and become better workers. The lawsuit alleges that "spiritual calibration" (search) allowed a person to develop a deeper level of consciousness.

"In Deborah's view, the higher a person calibrated with Dr. Dan, the better employee they were because they were more 'spiritually evolved'," the lawsuit filed in Marin Superior Court said.

Man! I just can't catch a break.

Posted by tree hugging sister at August 18, 2005 11:32 AM


The joke's on Carlos. His wife accidentally hired Dr. Demento.

Posted by: Nightfly at August 18, 2005 11:35 AM