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November 17, 2005
Voters' Remorse
But with the exception of the specific timeline language on the end, it was still very much the same resolution. And if you went back and read it, and a lot of us did, it still did...there were intimations in there about '06, and I think it just did do exactly what we shouldn't be doing right now, and that is telegraphing to the terrorists that if you mess with us long enough, that we're going to go away.-Senator John Thune of South Dakota on Hugh Hewitt yesterday, about the smackdown Republicans senators are receiving about the Warner-Frist vote. More and more, I see Bill Frist as an ineffectual gooberhead presidential wanna-be, with the spine of a banana slug. "WHOOPS ~ DO OVER!" doesn't cut it when troops are in the field, dying in that snake-pit every day for a war the United States Senate authorized.
Swill Salute to The Radio Blogger.
Posted by tree hugging sister at November 17, 2005 01:29 PM
You do not say or have votes like that for just the reason you stated,THS! Also those soldiers are keeping the enemy off of the U.S.'s back!
Posted by: GALA at November 17, 2005 02:09 PM
Frist is completely useless (and that's being generous): he really should already know he's dug himself into too many holes to ever have a chance at the nomination in 2008. For that, at least, I suppose we can all be grateful.
Posted by: Dave J at November 18, 2005 12:21 AM
Frankly, the number of potential presidential candidates from ANY party dwindles daily....and the initial list wasn't all that long to begin with.
Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at November 18, 2005 12:58 AM