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November 09, 2005
Word of the Day
sang·froid / 'sän-'f(r)wä/ noun: self-possession or imperturbability especially under strain
Example Sentence: Le Monde, the newspaper of France's political elite, accused the prime minister of sending a message of "staggering brutality" to the youth of the suburbs, who are for the most part children and grandchildren of African immigrants.
By invoking a law created in 1955 to put down unrest during the Algerian war of independence, Le Monde said, Mr de Villepin had "lost his sang-froid" and was sending the message that "France intends to treat them [the French-born children of immigrants] as it did their grandparents. The prime minister should remember that this spiral of incomprehension, of martial fever and powerlessness has driven the republic to its worst setbacks".
If curfews are "staggering brutality", what do they use when the "unrest" doesn't peter out? Harsh language?
Posted by tree hugging sister at November 9, 2005 09:30 AM
I think I feel a sangfroid coming on...
Posted by: Ken Summers at November 9, 2005 10:23 AM
(Better than a hemorrhoid, in your case.)
Posted by: tree hugging sister at November 9, 2005 10:29 AM
ROFLMAO! Staggering brutality? I wonder if they'll pop their heads out of their butts long enough to kiss it good bye. Nah.
So if a curfew is "staggering brutality" is grounding your kids severe child abuse?
Posted by: Cindermutha at November 9, 2005 11:09 AM
I lost my sang·froid when I read that in Japan they had a 'Americans Not Welcome Here Sign'.
I say, "Take your cars, stereos, and every other shitin thing you export here, and go home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Posted by: GALA at November 10, 2005 01:49 AM