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February 02, 2006
Balls In Europe
Who'd a'thunk it?
PARIS, France (AP) -- A French newspaper on Wednesday republished caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad that caused uproar in the Muslim world when they were printed in a Danish daily, saying that religious dogma has no place in a secular society.The drawings, first printed September 30 in Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten and reprinted in a Norwegian magazine last month, sparked boycotts and demonstrations against Denmark throughout the Muslim world.
Islamic tradition bars any depiction of the prophet to prevent idolatry.
The front page of the daily France Soir on Wednesday carried the headline "Yes, We Have the Right to Caricature God" and a cartoon of Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim and Christian gods floating on a cloud. Inside, the paper reran the drawings.
Good for them, and they're right.
Update: Woo-hoo! The battle spreads. Cool.
Update and bump: The cowardly cringers have struck back:
The owner of French newspaper France Soir on Wednesday dismissed the publication’s managing editor after the paper reproduced a set of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed first published in Denmark that have created an uproar in the Muslim world.France-Soir owner Raymond Lakah said in a statement to AFP he “decided to remove Jacques Lefranc as managing director of the publication as a powerful sign of respect for the intimate beliefs and convictions of every individual."
More like a powerful sign of your being a disgusting toady.
(thanks as always to Tim)
Posted by Mr. Bingley at February 2, 2006 12:10 AM
Good. Just as long as they don't do anything unconscionable, like mocking Zeus. 'Cause HE DA MAAAAAN!
Posted by: Ken Summers at February 1, 2006 04:42 PM
France-Soir owner Raymond Lakah said in a statement to AFP he “decided to remove Jacques Lefranc as managing director of the publication as a powerful sign of respect for the intimate beliefs and convictions of every individual."
Except, of course, the individual that you just fired, you dumbass. "Powerful sign." Bullpats. People talk about powerful signs when they can't get anything concrete accomplished.
Posted by: Nightfly at February 2, 2006 12:53 PM