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February 21, 2006
Being a 'Hottie' Means
...never having to say you're sorry.
When it comes to big concerts these days -- with the escalating tickets prices leading to escalating tension -- you don't have to worry about the tattooed bad-ass biker screaming for Freebird anymore. Oh, no: It's the tan, toothy former sorority girl who knocks 'em back and then rocks out as if she owns the joint. Talking on her cell phone. Spilling her beer all over the joint. Bullying down the aisle, thumping people left and right. I go to shows all the time -- whether it's Snoop Dogg or Springsteen -- and the nastiest folks to deal with are the young white hotties who pounded too much in the parking lot. Eeeevil, I tell you.
Posted by tree hugging sister at February 21, 2006 10:12 AM
The folks in our row at Jimmy Buffett were taking bets to see which the little drunk blondes were going to vomit, pass out or take a header over the railing first.
At the Huey Lewis show last year, one went to the front of the stage to flash the band. Was in quite the huff when security sent her home. What was she thinking... he's as old as her father
Posted by: Kcruella at February 21, 2006 10:26 PM