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February 06, 2006
...just frickin' HILARIOUS.
The Anonymous Muslim Man Complaint Box.Dear Muslim Man Complaint Box,
My daughter was raped by my neighbor and we burned her alive because she was tainted. My issue is that I think I should be able to rape his daughter back instead of having to burn my perfectly good daughter. So she was raped, so what? All of her parts still worked. She could still cook a meal. She could still find a good husband. She could still catch a beating like a net. I think this situation is unfair.
America is the Great Satan, Death to Israel and a Swill Salute to Blogfaddah for finding this, before we burn his Infidel Body in effigy for linking to such disrespect.
Posted by tree hugging sister at February 6, 2006 11:35 AM
Ha! I'll have to spend some more quality time there
Posted by: Ken Summers at February 6, 2006 02:01 PM