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February 05, 2006

Quote of the Day

And as a Canadian, I just can't believe the Danish would treat their fellow citizens this way.
-a Canadian blogger on the current Cartoon Madness.

It's a shame he couldn't ask Theo Van Gogh for his opinion concerning those same 'fellow citizens'.


...The editor said he was sorry if he had unwittingly caused offense, but he reckoned that by the principles of a free press, he had a right to print them.

So he does, and there is a fine and politically useful tradition of caricature and satire and puncturing of all sacred cows that makes up part of the discourse of free democracies.

If Muslims who choose to live in Denmark or another European country where this tradition is valued and understood do not like it, then they are perfectly free to leave for more devout and authoritarian shores. They are also free to write letters of protest to the editor, march in protest around his newspaper, boycott the paper and its advertisers and adopt all the other forms of expressing strong, principled and peaceful dissent that are also intrinsic to democratic societies.

Muslims abroad are also entitled to express their views, although wild threats to kidnap European diplomats and the armed takeover of the European Union offices in Gaza Thursday are foolish and self-defeating. Those EU offices have disbursed over $3 billions to the Palestinians, and are one of the few life-support systems that Palestine has. If a poll were taken among Europeans today, there would probably be a considerable majority for leaving the empty offices to the gunmen and keeping the money for deserving causes in Europe.

Would that we could sit back and watch them implode.

Posted by tree hugging sister at February 5, 2006 04:26 PM


Go Moslems, implode!

Posted by: -keith in mtn. view at February 5, 2006 09:55 PM

That's a laugh riot. "As a Canadian..." And people think that Americans have egos?

"As a lumberjack, I can't believe that Matt Hasselbeck threw 49 passes in a close game."

"As an airline stewardess, I can't believe Brad dumped Jennifer for Angelina."

I mean, what do you know about Danish except that it goes well with coffee?

Posted by: Nightfly at February 6, 2006 09:55 AM

No Blood For Lutefisk!

Posted by: Mr. Bingley In Brazil at February 6, 2006 11:39 AM