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April 18, 2006

2 Duke Players Arrested

Well, so let's see how this plays out now. From what I've seen it sure doesn't seem like there's a lot of evidence to support the charges.

But I do sleep better knowing that this high level of MSM quality is on the job:

Throughout Monday, there were many more reporters on the sixth floor of the courthouse than the 18 members of the grand jury panel. Reporters tracked the district attorney's movements in minute detail. Just after noon, Nifong emerged from his office and walked across the hallway to the bathroom.

Reporters surrounded the bathroom door in a crowd that included five television cameras, three still photographers, sound men with boom microphones and at least a dozen print reporters. At the sound of flushing, the group tensed, raised cameras and prepared. Nifong did not emerge with news.

I hope he at least emerged with clean hands.

As Insta says, see La Shawn Barber for more details.

Posted by Mr. Bingley at April 18, 2006 07:39 AM