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April 21, 2006

Execution Iraqi Style

The decapitated heads of two police officials were found early Thursday dumped in front of a government building...
...only THIS was in Acapulco, MEXICO. Their offense?
The heads of police commander Mario Nunez Magana and officer Jesus Alberto Ibarra were found at the same site where four drug traffickers died during a shootout with law enforcement. The heads of the two - who were involved in the Jan. 27 shootout - were accompanied by sign that warned, "So that you learn to respect."
The governor then warned the criminales about his new hardware...
"The criminals should watch out because the good weapons are on their way," he said Thursday.
...and I'm sure they're shaking in their huaraches. It's been a rough year on the Mexican Riviera...
...more than a dozen high-profile shooting deaths as well as several grenade attacks on police stations.

Federal investigators link the violence to a turf war between drug gangs in northern Mexico for lucrative smuggling routes into the United States.

...but at least they have someplace to hide out until the heat is off. Si, se puede.

Michelle Malkin talks "catch and release".

What I WISH He'd Say - by ths

President Bush Responds to Threats From Reconquistas

"I got yer 'si, se puede' right here, you pinche pisados..." -©TPI 2006

Posted by tree hugging sister at April 21, 2006 08:55 AM


One more reason to build a wall.

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at April 21, 2006 09:26 AM