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April 10, 2006
Has Anyone Heard?
Is Jimmay Cartah and the U.N. monitoring this?
Hundreds of Hurricane Katrina evacuees from as far away as Texas and Georgia have signed up to board buses and return to Louisiana in order to vote on the future of New Orleans.The evacuees are returning to cast early votes Monday in elections for mayor and city council, the first major test of the city's post-Katrina electoral system.
The busing is both practical and symbolic, said Kevin Whelan, spokesman for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN.
"Part of it is obviously turning out real voters. But it's still, obviously, a small percentage of the entire electorate," he said.
Displaced residents can vote Monday through Thursday and Saturday at early voting stations in Lake Charles, Shreveport, New Orleans and seven other cities around the state. The offices will be closed for the Good Friday holiday.
Sounds like how the Democrats got all those voters to the polls in East Saint Louis.
Strikes me as ripe for abuse. ( What happens if you get on a votin' bus to NOLA and Houston doesn't let you come back?)
Posted by tree hugging sister at April 10, 2006 09:04 AM