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April 24, 2006

The New Orleans Election Glass

Was it half full...

...but the Rev. Jesse Jackson said Sunday the low turnout should be a mandate to further encourage participation among voters unable to return.

Jackson said the election would be challenged in court regardless of the outcome because voting rights need to be protected.

...or half empty?
Stonecipher, however, said the turnout may not be a sign of disenfranchisement, but rather an indication that many registered voters don't plan to return.

If they re-elect Mayor Nagin (Noggin), my guess is half a$$ed, but that's just me. Why do I keep thinking of the Palestinian elections when I see who the voters went for ~ of ALL the choices, they went for the bad ones. Not a damn thing's gonna change when they had a chance to start fresh. That Noggin could get even three votes is astonishing, less mind have a legitimate (always a word used loosely in NOLA context) shot at retaining his seat. What a testament to ignorance and intransigence. The voters had chance to get rid of that seedy, sleazy, smokey pall that hangs over politics there in the Crescent City. Damn. Talk about blowing it in the eyes of your fellow Americans ~ those same taxpayers who are being harangued into paying for NOLA 'business as usual'. NOTHING'S going to change. I believe people are going to have a problem with that.

Posted by tree hugging sister at April 24, 2006 09:25 AM


I'm currently in the nasty city of New Orleans and despising it more with each passing day. I look forward to my departure in the fall.

But I have to tell you that Nagin is very popular here. They claim he's done a lot for the city, that he was fighting against the corruption here.

I guess we can only say that people deserve the government they elect.

Posted by: Mike Rentner at April 24, 2006 09:39 AM

But the problem is our PAYING for it, since it's all our problem now.

(Iraq and New Orleans all in one year? Who have you pissed off?)

Posted by: tree hugging sister at April 24, 2006 09:57 AM

Maybe just the Noggin lovers stayed behind?

Posted by: Crusader at April 24, 2006 10:22 AM

In some ways, Iraq is better! But at least I can fly home every weekend and I don't have to wear SAPI plates. But in this town, I probably should be wearing SAPI plates.

I'm doing some time with 4th MarDiv. It's a nice summer job until law school starts up in the fall. I figure I can pay for two years of school this way.

Posted by: Mike Rentner at April 24, 2006 10:22 AM