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April 20, 2006
United 93
A couple of reviews are appearing today, and both are very positive. From what they say it seems like this movie has been shorn of all the usual cliche crap that Hollywood loves to attach to true stories, and I'm glad. There's one part of me that is almost afraid to go see it, afraid of the emotions it will revive. Hell, I had a good friend who went to the airport that morning to get on 93 to fly to San Francisco, but since he got there so early United let him catch the earlier flight, and so he's alive today.
But there's a bigger part of me that really wants to see this, that wants everyone to see it, to remind us of why we are doing what we are doing. Oh sure, there have been mistakes in planning and execution and foresight along the way, and there has and will continue to be proper criticism of our failings, but son of a bitch let us never ever forget why we are doing it, and that we need to continue fighting to ensure that it never happens again.
Posted by Mr. Bingley at April 20, 2006 07:58 AM
Glenn Beck saw an advanced screening and raved about it -- about its power.
Also, for opening weekend, they're donating a portion of the profits to the United 93 memorial fund.
Posted by: Cullen at April 20, 2006 08:16 AM
God almighty, I cry when I see the commercials! I have no idea how to make it through the movie. But, then again, I'll probably have loads of weepy, angry company.
So when do the Muslim protests start about this being a hateful hit piece?
Posted by: tree hugging sister at April 20, 2006 09:15 AM