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April 07, 2006

What a Load of Tripe

One problem, many causes
Holzer sees many reasons for the bleak situation: unemployment, enduring bias in American life, the disproportionate impact of the war on drugs.

“When you look at what’s responsible, there’s a lot of stories," he said. "The labor market changed a lot. There was a disappearance of good jobs for less educated men. For blacks you have continuing problems of discrimination, job flight from the cities."

So get EDUCATED, huh? (Oh, STFU about the discrimination as an excuse.) My/yours/our tax dollars put that education right there. They get breaks for college tuition, etc, ad nauseum, that your middle class ~ black, orange, green, venusian or white ~ has no access to. Make yourself responsible for your child's education, even if you're illiterate yourself. Make yourself better by WORKING with your child. Quit fighting the teachers and looking for the next federal program your kids can qualify for, so you can abdicate more of that responsibility.

I will tell you the big problem here ~ there is an unending harrassment of young, smart black boys in the elementary and middle schools by other black kids. The best and brightest black kids (and I'm not talking just brains) ~ the upstanding citizens, future rocket scientists, doctors, Presidents, anything they want to be ~ are being beaten down literally and figuratively by the hoodlums and ne'er do wells who see an education as a threat. They are perpetuating a culture of gansta street hip, "don't need nothing from nobody, gonna be a pro b-ball player and show these motherf*ckers" that is a cancer eating away at the black community. The ability is there. The potential is there. Somebody needs to protect the kids who want to be something.

You can only be beaten down by your peers for so long before even the strongest little guy cracks. Someone needs to be there and it's NOT the government's home or family. So. Hmmmm...any suggestions?

Posted by tree hugging sister at April 7, 2006 01:40 PM


Oh, you are so liberal

Posted by: Ken Summers at April 7, 2006 01:52 PM

(Don't think I didn't see you use the "P" word earlier, little man. Compliments will get you nowhere.)

Posted by: tree hugging sister at April 7, 2006 02:35 PM


Posted by: Ken Summers at April 7, 2006 02:38 PM

What is Cosby doing posting here? I have to go check the control panel...

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at April 7, 2006 02:45 PM