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April 04, 2006
What Is Up With The World?
First a French court actually imposes a penalty on a terrorist.
Now comes word that a NY court has actually refused to find a new 'Right' in the Constitution:
A state judge on Monday dismissed a lawsuit that sought to force the city to allow private, social dancing in restaurants, clubs and bars......A group calling itself the Gotham West Coast Swing Club and several people said that because the city's cabaret law barred them from dancing with other people it unconstitutionally infringed on their right of free expression....
...The judge disagreed. He said dancing is not constitutionally protected expression and the city has the right to regulate circumstances under which eating and drinking places can let patrons dance.
I feel faint.
Posted by Mr. Bingley at April 4, 2006 06:03 PM
"dancing is not constitutionally protected expression"
Okay, I'm fine with that. I'm also fine with that idea that stupid laws can be constitutional.
But I'm having trouble determining exactly where NYC acquired the kind of unrestricted bureaucratic power required to micro-regulate private businesses to that degree.
Posted by: Ken Summers at April 4, 2006 06:34 PM
Ken, a city or a state is not like the feds. One doesn't have to find express authority somewhere to grant them the power to do something. Instead, they have plenary police powers to regulate as they see fit, except for in any way they are FORBIDDEN from doing so. This is because the states are the general repositories of sovereignty in this country: after 1776, they inherited the effectively unlimited powers of the British Parliament, and their state constitutions serve to limit those powers, not to grant powers by delegation as the federal constitution does.
A local government, as a creature of state law, can be granted by the state essentially the same far-reaching powers, and to a home rule charter city like NYC such a grant is typical, thugh as I understand it NYC has some of its power actually protected from state interference by the state constitution, not just by statute.
I tend to concur that these laws are both constitutional and stupid. I would commend their immediate repeal to the NY Legislature and/or NYC City Council...but I'm not about to hold my breath waiting.
Posted by: Dave J at April 5, 2006 12:48 AM
B-b-b-but dancing leads to forrrrrrrnication!
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at April 5, 2006 07:25 AM
...with a capital D which rhymes with P which stands for Pool.
Posted by: Ken Summers at April 5, 2006 10:01 AM
Dave, I get the difference in scope between feds and states but please see my other comment here.
Posted by: Ken Summers at April 5, 2006 10:01 AM
I still have an issue with the statement "the city has the right to regulate". The city may have the power to do so, but I object to calling it a "right".
Posted by: Ken Summers at April 5, 2006 10:03 AM