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April 03, 2006
7-1 over Oakland in the 3d. I can't stand the suspense. Kcruella's right ~ I'm going to bed, leaving two words to linger on the midnight air...
Posted by tree hugging sister at April 3, 2006 11:16 PM
Yeah, what a shock - A-Rod hitting a GS in a 15-2 game. ;D
Posted by: Nightfly at April 4, 2006 12:02 PM
Considering it was a SECOND inning grand slam, it was.
A shock, that is.
Posted by: tree hugging sister at April 4, 2006 12:09 PM
Let me just let Bill Simmons do the talking here - a quote from his running diary of the game, btw: "7:45 -- Sheffield strikes out on a 3-2 pitch (bringing Zito's pitch count to an even 300). ... And if you don't think we're in "Cheap Grand Slam" territory for A-Rod right now, you obviously don't know the man very well. Is there any way I can wager on this?"
He also does the Sox/Rangers. Worth reading it all. He gets off some great lines about Mike Lowell and Manny Ramirez, and zings the Other Metropolitan Team. Something for everyone!
Posted by: Nightfly at April 4, 2006 01:47 PM