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May 08, 2006

Counting Chickens Before They're Elected

So now ol' Goggle Eyes is planning what she's going to do when she's elected Speaker:

Democratic leaders, increasingly confident they will seize control of the House in November, are laying plans for a legislative blitz during their first week in power that would raise the minimum wage, roll back parts of the Republican prescription drug law, implement homeland security measures and reinstate lapsed budget deficit controls.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) said in an interview last week that a Democratic House would launch a series of investigations of the Bush administration, beginning with the White House's first-term energy task force and probably including the use of intelligence in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq. Pelosi denied Republican allegations that a Democratic House would move quickly to impeach President Bush. But, she said of the planned investigations, "You never know where it leads to."

And who knows, she may actually have a chance:

Democrats need to pick up 15, a task that many analysts still believe is a long shot. Democratic leaders do not.

I'm certainly no great fan of these supposed "Republicans" who are running things these days. For the most part they are indistinguishable from the folks on the other side of the aisle. The complete lack of spending control is disgusting, as is the lack of any real effort to secure our border with Mexico.

But it seems to me the best thing they could hope for is for Pelosi to keep talking like this, as if her only concern will be vengence on the Republicans, as opposed to, oh, something silly like budget restraint and security. Oh, sure, she'll make noise about those things, but it's clear from the deranged look in her eye and the spittle on her lips what she's really interested in.

Okay, she's always got that deranged look, but you know what I mean.

Posted by Mr. Bingley at May 8, 2006 07:41 AM


PeloSI? PeloNO!

Posted by: Dan Collins at May 8, 2006 08:01 AM

I still want to know what she has done to help Islamic women win the freedom to be even a goggle-eyed moron if they so choose, without fear of reprisal or beheading.

Posted by: tree hugging sister at May 8, 2006 09:45 AM