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May 05, 2006
Interesting report.....
from Gen Barry McCaffery. Good read on what is happening in Iraq.
The morale, fighting effectiveness, and confidence of U.S. combat forces continue to be simply awe-inspiring. In every sensing session and interaction - I probed for weakness and found courage, belief in the mission, enormous confidence in their sergeants and company grade officers, an understanding of the larger mission, a commitment to creating an effective Iraqi Army and Police, unabashed patriotism, and a sense of humor. All of these soldiers, NCOs and young officers were volunteers for combat. Many were on their second combat tour - several were on the third or fourth combat tour. Many had re-enlisted to stay with their unit on its return to a second Iraq deployment. Many planned to re-enlist regardless of how long the war went on.
He gives a pretty honest view from the ground.
Swill salute to QandO
Posted by Crusader at May 5, 2006 08:17 AM
Thank you for posting this; I do want to know how the soldiers feel and are doing - THAT"S ALL THAT COUNTS
Posted by: getalifeagain at May 5, 2006 07:55 PM