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May 10, 2006

Mullahs Don't Wait For Urban Renewal

So is Giza a goner?

A religious ruling condemning the display of statues has angered Egyptian liberals and intellectuals who fear it could encourage religious zealots to attack the country's pharaonic heritage.

The ruling was issued by the Mufti, the most senior religious scholar in Egypt.

...It was a member of the public who asked the Mufti about Islam's position on statues.

"This reflects the rising religiosity in Egyptian society," said Mohamed al-Sayed Said of the al-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies.

He says the European models of progress which guided Egyptian society in the 19th and 20th Centuries have now been eclipsed by the rise of religion.

"There's been really a big retreat to the distant past," he said.

"What we are having at this point is an increasing gulf between secular and religious cultures."

Right now they're worried about fanatics trying to disfigure, deface and destroy the the treasures on their own, but the alternative is terrifying.
"Egypt's future will not be determined by religious or cultural factors. But if the country continues to fail economically and politically, political Islam will become the prevalent ideology," said Mr Said.

"But I'm inclined to think that we still have a chance to evade the prospects of an Islamist takeover if we achieve better in the economy and certainly in relation to political and civic liberties."

"We still have a chance". How awful is that?

And "But they've been here since the time of the Pharoahs!" doesn't carry any weight, either. Just ask the ancient Buddhas Mullah Omar and his hairy henchmen leveled.

A warm Swill Salute to All Things Conservative.

Posted by tree hugging sister at May 10, 2006 05:08 PM


The Pharoahs did it too, tearing down the temples and defacing the figures of competing gods. Statues are just big things you pay someone or force a slave to make. Religious or artistic, tolerance has never been an integral feature of that region - it's always been imposed from without.

Posted by: -keith in silicon valley at May 10, 2006 05:51 PM

Desstruction of any of the Egyptian, no human treasures would be just more evidence that we need to destroy Islam and wipe it off the Earth. Die hard muslims will not be converted, we have to kill them. There is no room for their barbarity in our modern world.

Posted by: Mike Rentner at May 10, 2006 07:34 PM

Well, that would be a crying shame, because from what I've heard, the Sphinx had a really nice set of Nefertitis.

Posted by: Dan Collins at May 10, 2006 07:51 PM

I thought Team America already took care of all that stuff?

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at May 10, 2006 07:52 PM

In case anyone needed reminding what REAL Ba'athist art looked like:

Move over, Michaelangelo!

Posted by: Dan Collins at May 10, 2006 07:58 PM

Good grief, it's like some teenager copied bad Boris Vallejo fantasy art.

Posted by: -keith in silicon valley at May 11, 2006 10:53 AM

And badly.

Posted by: tree hugging sister at May 11, 2006 11:20 AM

Islam (THE QURAN)teaches respect for other cultures. For over a thousand years muslims in north Africa respected and looked after the ancient treasures. It is the rise of the MULLAHS that has turned children of the simple peaceful muslims (who were the leaders in science, medicine, mathematics etc before the west) in to monsters. MULLAHS have traditionally NEVER been part of Islam and are not part of Islam. Islam has no priesthood, it is not a priesthood religion. So the MULLAHS are a actually anti-Islamic, nothing to do with Islam. The teachings of MULLAHS have nothing to do with Islam. They teach hate when Islam means peace and love. The problem is muslims have forgotten that the MULLAHS are not part of Islam. For any peace to appear in the muslim world the MULLAHS must be eliminated, they are the rats in infecting the muslim children. The west must ban the mullahs and the muslim leaders must work to finish them and then the world can be a peaceful place.

Posted by: LIMMAL at May 16, 2006 12:10 AM

Islam (THE QURAN)teaches respect for other cultures. For over a thousand years muslims in north Africa respected and looked after the ancient treasures. It is the rise of the MULLAHS that has turned children of the simple peaceful muslims (who were the leaders in science, medicine, mathematics etc before the west) in to monsters. MULLAHS have traditionally NEVER been part of Islam and are not part of Islam. Islam has no priesthood, it is not a priesthood religion. So the MULLAHS are a actually anti-Islamic, nothing to do with Islam. The teachings of MULLAHS have nothing to do with Islam. They teach hate when Islam means peace and love. The problem is muslims have forgotten that the MULLAHS are not part of Islam. For any peace to appear in the muslim world the MULLAHS must be eliminated, they are the rats in infecting the muslim children. The west must ban the mullahs and the muslim leaders must work to finish them and then the world can be a peaceful place.

Posted by: LIMMAL at May 16, 2006 12:11 AM