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June 15, 2006
"And I'm Working On That Contract"
"It's being faxed from a Kinko's in Austin as we speak..."
Stopwatch Ticking for Dan Rather
CBS to Drop Ex-Anchor From '60 Minutes'CBS executives have decided there is no future role at the network for Dan Rather, making it certain that the man who sat in the anchor chair for 24 years will depart by this fall.
These executives recognize Rather's contributions over four decades and are not trying to boot him because of the controversy surrounding his botched story on President Bush and the National Guard, say network sources who declined to be named while discussing a sensitive personnel matter. But the executives concluded there was no room for Rather at "60 Minutes," particularly with incoming anchor Katie Couric planning to report a half-dozen stories a year and the hiring of CNN's Anderson Cooper as a part-time contributor.
I'd say "SEE-ya!", but that would imply that a) I give a hooyah or b) I'm gloating. Let's just leave it at Eddie Murphy's "You brought dat sh*t on yoself..."
Posted by tree hugging sister at June 15, 2006 09:33 AM
Someday, Mary Mapes will be the answer to a question in the Trivial Pursuit Conservative Edition.
Posted by: Dan Collins at June 15, 2006 10:29 AM
Dan Rather is out to pasture.
Has a nice ring to it......
Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at June 15, 2006 11:45 AM
Being replaced by Katie "Featherweight" Couric has an even better ring to it...
Posted by: John at June 15, 2006 12:30 PM
As long as he's not out to stud, we're safe.
Posted by: Nightfly at June 15, 2006 01:46 PM
Thanks, Nightfly, for that image of Dan Rather in flagrante delicto. I owe you for that one.
Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at June 15, 2006 04:42 PM