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June 19, 2006
There Must Have Been a Brain Dead Full Moon Up
First Natalie Maines and now the classless Mary Travers, dishing on the woman who donated bone marrow to her during her battle with leukemia. (You know ~ as in 'save your life, last chance you'll ever have' bone marrow?)
"I had to have a bone marrow transplant. It's been a terrible year," she told me. "I just learned the donor's name is also Mary. She has two daughters. I have two daughters. See, just in case something goes wrong, you must wait a year before you can communicate with them....Mary laughed and added: "The problem was, I'm a lifelong Democrat. I was terrified that if she's a Republican, I could go into the voting booth and, like Dr. Strangelove, my whole brain could change around. When we finally spoke I asked her about this. There was a pause then she said, 'But I am a Republican.' So I said, 'Well, hell, I guess it's about time the Republicans did something nice for me.' "
Whatever happened to "thank you"?
Posted by tree hugging sister at June 19, 2006 09:40 AM
Take the marrow back. Ungrateful bitch.
Posted by: Ken Summers at June 19, 2006 10:04 AM
Arrogant and ungrateful bitch. I'll throw in the knife for the marrow untransplant.
Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at June 19, 2006 10:41 AM
There's probably not much Democratic marrow out there anyway. First, they seem to only talk about helping people and second their lack of a backbone would probably preclude them from being donors.
Posted by: Cullen at June 19, 2006 10:42 AM
What a waste of good marrow.
Posted by: Crusader at June 19, 2006 11:09 AM
Not just ungrateful, but self-righteous. "The Republicans finally did something nice for me." WTF?
Posted by: Emily at June 19, 2006 11:14 AM
Emily- exactly. How a bout forcing Gorby to back down and ending the Cold War, thus removing the threat of nuclear destruction she and the boys used to go on (and on) about? Oh, I forgot, Regan had nothing to do with that.
Seriously, I find that the movers and shakers of the left have the philosophy that my Marine grad school buddy used to espose: "I love mankind, it's the people I can't stand". Rightists on the other hand, tend to love people in the specific and despise, or at least mistrust, them in the aggregate, more of an "I love people, just not too many of them". I trust people with the latter attitude much more than those with the former, because the former are much more likely to sell me down the road to perdition as an objectified human (as did the Soviets with professed love for the peasantry, but their hatred of the most successful peasants, the "Kulaks").
Posted by: John at June 19, 2006 11:26 AM
Not only that, John. It's the entire attitude that she is owed something by Republicans or the demonification of an entire political party by a person that presumably considers herself liberal. But who am I kidding? These days, almost anyone who identifies themselves as either "liberal" or "progressive" is reliably neither.
Posted by: Emily at June 19, 2006 11:42 AM
I had to sit here for a minute before I could actually type something.
Who says this kind of crap? Oh, an entitled asshole does.
I have been on the team of a person searching high and low for bone marrow. I have been at the bedside, in the ICU, of a person who finally gets the news after six months that a donor has been found for her. This, her THIRD bout of leukemia, by age 32. After already having both hips and both shoulders replaced after they were eaten up by the steroids she had to take during bout #2 of leukemia at age 22. After hearing more times than she can remember that she just wasn't going to live.
Only a perfect asshole would besmirch their donor. Julie took her donor (seriously) to Disneyland. And to her family reunion. Invited her to her wedding.
Mary Travers, you are perfect asshole.
Posted by: Susanna at June 19, 2006 09:22 PM
an entitled asshole does.
But what a great contrast you paint, Susanna. Julie sounds like our kinda girl.
Posted by: tree hugging sister at June 20, 2006 11:48 AM
Spot on! my first thought when reading the news article the other day was how hard is it to say "thank you, you diametrically opposed veiwpoint holding person who provided the means to extend my life."?
1) she's an "artist", and therefore stuck up her own ass 99% of the time
2) down south we have a word for that kind of woman. it rhymes with runt.
Posted by: richard at June 20, 2006 07:59 PM
> 2) down south we have a word for that kind of woman. it rhymes with runt.
"C-sucking Bitch from Hell" rhymes with "runt" down in the south?
You-all DO have a strange way with pronouncing words!
BTW, Bone Marrow Transplants are supposed to be an -exceedingly- painful procedure for both involved. It takes an unusual person to volunteer to do that and follow through.
You sense, but you do not grasp just HOW ungrateful this CSBfH *really* is.
Posted by: OBloodyhell at July 1, 2006 09:08 AM
It would have been more funny if she was black and found out her donor was white. Ha, Ha, Ha...
What a miserable, ungrateful bitch. Donating marrow is not like donating blood. You don't just run over on your lunch hour, donate and then have juice and fig-newtons.
Donating marrow is a serious commitment for both the donor and family.
I donated marrow in Jan of 03 or 04 to a 50 year old women I never met. We received some nice cards from her but I chose not to meet her. Sadly the marrow didn't take but I was told by the red cross representative that my donation allowed her to live long enough to see her grandchild born!
I felt like it was my duty to sign up in the donor registry and was told that being someones match was like winning the lottery. I won. When I was contacted that I was a possible match there was never a question that I would go forward with the donation. This caused some serious issues between me and my wife. She did lots of research on the different procedures that help us decide the safest way to donate but she was never totally OK with what I was doing.
The process is very time consuming:
I think I had 8 to 10 different appointments, over three months, for various blood tests, informational meetings, a full physical and a then a mini physical the day before my surgery. I say surgery because collecting marrow is a full blown surgical procedure.
I gave at least 10 samples of blood; big needle - multiple vials each time. I took two full days off work but all the appointments probably totaled a full work week.
I was in the hospital for the entire day of my surgery. Because marrow donation is so painful they put you way down . When I came back up I felt like I was hit by a truck. It took me about a week before I felt normal.
Posted by: John at July 2, 2006 08:10 AM
I was so horrified on reading this, I almost thought it had to be apocryphal... but then we're talking about a Democrat, and her sense of entitlement (which might even outweigh her loathing of Republicans). This is so appalling, so far beyond the pale that it would leave any decent person (regardless of political leaning) speechless with anger. I donated bone marrow many, many years ago, and John is right when he says that it's much more than the juice and cookies experience of blood donation. I was young, and though I was in much better shape than I am now, it took awhile to feel back to normal. I can definitely say it was one of the most profound experiences of my life. I certainly didn't approach it with that kind of attitude - I can barely imagine someone's receiving that way either.
Posted by: Katje at July 2, 2006 04:25 PM
Oh, my Lord, you guys are wonderful to go through that! I'd always heard it wasn't a walk in the park and that's what just blew me away about this bee-yatchy, cavalier attitude to the incredible stranger who saved your LIFE. I can't imagine ever being so ill-mannered and self absorbed that I could be that big a sh*thead.
And then BRAG about it at a cocktail party.
Posted by: tree hugging sister at July 2, 2006 07:37 PM