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June 04, 2006
Well, He Could Afford a Camel Now
...like, if he wanted one. Jeez Louise, I SO wish I lived in California sometimes.
A jury awarded $61 million to two FedEx Ground drivers of Lebanese descent who claimed a manager harassed them with racial slurs for two years.Edgar Rizkallah, 43, and Kamil Issa, 36, both of Pleasanton, said in the discrimination lawsuit they were called "terrorists," "camel jockeys" and other epithets in 1999 and 2000 by Stacy Shoun, terminal manager for the Oakland FedEx Ground facility where the two men were contract drivers.
And then I come out of my stupor. But hey! Being blonde ain't easy ~ just look what certain distinguished jerkwads said in the magnetic north post! Oh, baby. I feel a suit coming on and it ain't Prada.
But it could be, if everything works out...
Posted by tree hugging sister at June 4, 2006 12:05 AM