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July 05, 2006

Good News, Indeed

Security forces seized runaway al-Qaida leader in Yemen, Jamal Badawi, who had escaped from Sanaa's main prison with 22 other members of the terrorist group.

The opposition Yemen's Children League Party quoted security sources in the southeastern province of Hadramout as saying security forces captured Badawi in the area five days ago before he was transferred to Sanaa amid strict security measures.

The party said on its Web site Wednesday that the official authorities are keeping silent about the operation for security reasons.

...There was no information about a possible intelligence contribution by the United States in tracing Badawi, the main convict in the bombing of the USS Cole in the port of Aden in October 2000.

Let's try to hang on to him this time, shall we?

A Swill Salute to the Counterterrorism Blog for being the bearer of great news.

Posted by tree hugging sister at July 5, 2006 04:58 PM


Let's try to hang him this time...

Posted by: John at July 5, 2006 05:05 PM

Yemen's Children League Party?

Things get odder and odder over there.

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at July 5, 2006 05:42 PM

A BEEYOUtiful sentiment, John.

Posted by: tree hugging sister at July 5, 2006 05:43 PM

Jeez, John. Do you know how much time and trouble it takes to make a gibbet*? Unless we have a bunch more lined up to justify the ROI, it's cheaper and easier just to shoot him in the head.

On second thought, I wouldn't want anyone injured by flying skull fragments. Just gutshoot him and let him bleed out.

*I love that word. I think it should come back into the popular vocabulary.

Posted by: Ken Summers at July 5, 2006 07:28 PM