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August 17, 2006
Burton, Depp to Make 'Sweeney Todd'
The director-star team will reunite to adapt the Stephen Sondheim musical to the big screen

Posted by tree hugging sister at August 17, 2006 12:03 PM
We caught a little bit of the original "Willy Wonka" last night with Gene Wilder. Got sort of misty when he sings that pretty song before Augustus Glump falls into the river.
Anyhow, I couldn't watch Johnny Depp in the remake. Too creepy.
But probably PERFECT these purposes.
(aside: I once knew a very friendly wabwador wetriever named Edward Scissorpaws, his street name was "Ed")
Posted by: Susanna at August 17, 2006 12:08 PM
Well, major dad and I just watched the remake Tuesday night and 'creepy' was the one word we used through the whole thing. I didn't like the way they changed the ending (OR included the catepillar eating scene from the book), but it really got the feel of Roald Dahl's work. I mean, nothing he ever wrote was FOR children. (Have you ever read 'James and the Giant Peach'? Those aunts...call the welfare! And long before orphaned Harry Potter being mistreated was a twinkle in Rowling's eye.)
(And strange how 'Roald' and 'Rowling' are so similar...)
So I'm thinking they may do justice to Sweeney Todd. Bingley and I saw Lansbury and Cariou in the original production and KNOW no one could EVER top that, but if it could be done well, I pick Burton and Depp. I think Helen Mirren would make a WONDERFUL Mrs. Lovett.
(Edward Scissorhands is one of the saddest movies I've ever seen. Just could never watch it again.)
Posted by: tree hugging sister at August 17, 2006 01:58 PM
If I ever see Tim Burton in person again I'm going to choke the @#$% out of him for changing that ending to accomodate his daddy issues.
Posted by: Emily at August 17, 2006 03:42 PM