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September 28, 2006
Inspirational Posters
We at the Swilling always seek to uplift and enlighten our gentle readers, which is why I am so glad that Allahpundit (punditry be upon him) at HotAir linked to a site where you can create your own moving and inspirational posters like those that you see in airline magazines and guidance counselor's offices.
My efforts on your behalf, dear reader, are below the fold.
Posted by Mr. Bingley at September 28, 2006 05:07 PM
HAHAHAHA! Priceless, Bingley!
Posted by: Ken S, Fifth String on the Banjo of Life at September 28, 2006 09:40 PM
SWINE! You've done this to me!
Posted by: Ken S, Fifth String on the Banjo of Life at September 29, 2006 09:25 PM