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October 20, 2006
Someone Needs to Take That Fat Little Sh*t Out
Bill Roggio says so, too, but nicer.
We have been tippy toeing around this ee-ville SOB for far too long. Everytime we're within a hair's breadth of wiping his smug mug off posters for good, he scuttles back to his lair like Shelob (Update :Exhibit A) and we get to start all over again. Malaki needs to be told take care of it NOW, or know that we will. And then we HAVE to. No Fallujah Cotton-Eyed Joe, so he can rearm. And no deals. Dear God, let this be the "new direction" the administration takes.
The kids on the ground are the ones paying for diplomacy where none is warranted.
Posted by tree hugging sister at October 20, 2006 01:18 PM
I hope you're right about the new direction, but I doubt it.
The battalion that is now in the City of Hit, which my battalion wrested from insurgents and pacified has been saying that the insurgents would stop mortaring people and terrorizing the people if the US would just pull out of the city. They don't seem to remember that the insurgents were terrorizing the people before we went in there, and used it as a base of operations to attack everywhere else.
This seems to be a growing sentiment among the army overseas. If we go in a new direction, I suspect it will be to pull back to a few bases and let Iraqis kill each other while we hunker down and wait for political leadership that is willing to fight a war.
Posted by: Mike Rentner at October 20, 2006 01:50 PM
Too bad we didn't shoot Sadr way back when. So much for touchie-feelie diplomacy.
Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at October 20, 2006 02:03 PM
I am still wondering why this Islamofacist pig wasn'r taken out a long time ago. We can't keep fighting this thing with politically correct blinders on. Time for a black op.
Posted by: Frank at October 20, 2006 03:00 PM
I doubt this fat little bearded turd ever ventures out. I think it would be just grand if a .50 cal sniper took him out while he's doing one of his fist pumping tirades or a couple of MK 84s, laser guided of course to reduce collateral damage. Making nice with these shits does not work it just empowers them. The only thing they understand and respect is violence. I say talk to them in their language.
Posted by: major dad at October 20, 2006 03:31 PM
I thought the VRWC wasn't supposed to care about collateral damage? Aren't we supposed to be throwing champagne parties over the 600,000+ war dead?
Posted by: Emily at October 20, 2006 03:33 PM
Champagne is for nuclear strikes, Emily. Otherwise, we celebrate with (non-French) wine.
Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at October 20, 2006 04:04 PM
Him, and anybody else dressed in black. Whack 'em all.
Posted by: mojo at October 20, 2006 05:50 PM
"Him, and anybody else dressed in black."
Goths of America: "Hey!"
Posted by: Andrea Harris at October 20, 2006 09:56 PM
We had the chance, but we decided to make him part of the process. Now we get to live with another in a long line of mistakes.
Posted by: Tainted Bill at October 20, 2006 11:12 PM
Dubya wants to be a uniter, not a divider. It's the "Achilles Heel" of his administration on many fronts.
As for Muqtard the pigboy, a letter opener inserted between his fourth and fifth vertebra plus a pound of Corn King Bacon (lowest quality bacon I've ever seen,{pigboy doesn't deserve any better})stuffed in his gullet just before Gilbert Gottfried sends him back to the 8th Ring (Bolgia 9) of Hell with a sucking chest wound and a nasty couple of gut shots via a Kimber .45 loaded with kosher Black Talon ammo.
Posted by: Gunsniper at October 21, 2006 12:30 AM