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October 24, 2006
Thirteen Marines of Christmas Time!!!
I have NAMES, I have ADDRESSES ~ I have EVERYTHING YOU NEED to adopt a Marine...or two or THREE. (And Lisa's National Guard hubby. {8^P) We're even on top of this a month earlier than last year!!
For those of you who are new to this post: It is our second year taking care of this unit as best we can. Lemme tell you a little about our kids ~ we took care of them last year through the holidays (and by that I mean from before Thanksgiving until the mail cut off end of Feb) and we're adopting again this year. Yep ~ you heard that right ~ mostly the SAME Marines, same station. They run the unmanned drones and, since there's only two units PERIOD, they rotate in and out of country
EVERY 6 MONTHS.(One of their young captains is on his FOURTH tour.) So they left Iraq in March and got back there mid-September. That's a LOT to ask of anybody, but they just pack up and go, bless their hearts.
There's some old friends on the list, so there's a good chance you can touch base with your Marine from last year if you'd like. From cards and notes to ATOMIC FIREBALLS ~ WHATEVER you can do is hugely appreciated. Please start sending me those "I need a Jarhead" emails ~
thsister-at-gmail.com ~ subj. "13 Marines of Xmas"
Kcruella has already gotten Halloween goodies to Lt. Sara, so we need to get hopping! Please, please help. Some of these Marines have been to Iraq FOUR times already. That's a lot to ask.

For newbies to our Swillers, lots of helpful info in these posts from VMU-1's deployment last year.
of good
Nov. 10th note: It's the Marine Corps Birthday. It's easy to send money. It takes an effort to send friendship and support. We'd love to have you along.
Posted by tree hugging sister at October 24, 2006 08:25 AM
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» Valour IT, And Adoption from Drunken Wisdom
Well, it's that time again... time for Valour IT's friendly little competition/fundraiser. Project Valour will provide voice-controlled laptop computers to wounded Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines recovering from hand and arm injuries or amputatio... [Read More]
Tracked on October 31, 2006 09:25 AM
» Adopt? A Marine?!?!? Hell Yeah!!! from Tammi's World
I'm pretty sure if you've been reading here for any amount of time, you've picked up on the fact that I have a bit of a soft spot for Marines. Hell - looks like it's been that way with me... [Read More]
Tracked on November 3, 2006 07:56 AM
» Captain Clora Presents from Florida Cracker
Hi, I'm Captain Clora and I will be your links presenter today! I'm a certified Florida math instructor, but most of y'all already know how how it works. Florida math say one sass equals one tase, two sass equal... [Read More]
Tracked on November 4, 2006 01:20 AM
» Captain Clora Presents from Florida Cracker
Hi, I'm Captain Clora and I will be your links presenter today! I'm a certified Florida math instructor, but most of y'all already know how how it works: one sass equals one tase, two sass equal two tase. Three... [Read More]
Tracked on November 4, 2006 01:21 AM
» Captain Clora Presents from Florida Cracker
Hi, I'm Captain Clora and I will be your links presenter today! I'm a certified Florida math instructor, but most of y'all already know how how it works: one sass equals one tase, two sass equal two tase. Three... [Read More]
Tracked on November 4, 2006 01:39 AM
» Captain Cora Presents from Florida Cracker
Hi, I'm Captain Cora and I will be your links presenter today! I'm a certified Florida math instructor, but most of y'all already know how how it works: one sass equals one tase, two sass equal two tase. Three... [Read More]
Tracked on November 4, 2006 01:41 AM
» Captain Cora Presents from Florida Cracker
Hi, I'm Captain Cora and I will be your links presenter today! I'm a certified Florida math instructor, but most of y'all already know how how it works: one sass equals one tase, two sass equal two tase. Three... [Read More]
Tracked on November 4, 2006 01:42 AM
» Incredible from Tammi's World
The blogosphere is simply incredible. We raised over $180,000 for Valour IT this year. Over the past few months +$33,000 has been raised to support SC Eagle and his family as they go through a devistating time. (They will continue... [Read More]
Tracked on November 12, 2006 07:25 AM
» Incredible from Tammi's World
The blogosphere is simply incredible. We raised over $180,000 for Valour IT this year. Over the past few months +$33,000 has been raised to support SC Eagle and his family as they go through a devistating time. (They will continue... [Read More]
Tracked on November 12, 2006 11:22 AM
Posted by: Faith at October 24, 2006 08:36 AM
Thanks Faith!
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at October 24, 2006 08:50 AM
Status report: First package off today! More to come!
Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at October 25, 2006 04:21 PM
Think they'd like some Halloween candy from Disney? I still have some flat rate boxes in the garage.
Posted by: Cindermutha at October 26, 2006 09:58 AM
Oh, I'll betcha they would!
Posted by: tree hugging sister at October 26, 2006 02:22 PM
Ok then, I'm in!
Posted by: Cindermutha at October 27, 2006 10:09 AM
Count me in!
Posted by: Michael at October 30, 2006 11:20 PM
Oh, you guys are the BOMB!
Posted by: tree hugging sister at October 31, 2006 09:50 AM
Not only am I in, but I'm going to link back and hopefully get a few others to join in.
What a GREAT idea!!!
Posted by: Tammi at November 2, 2006 08:40 PM
I am a former Marine living in the western suburbs of Chicago. I would like to know more about adopting a marine for the Holidays. Did not know if you are in a specific area or all over.
Let me know,Thanks in Advance.
Dave Stein
Posted by: Dave Stein at November 10, 2006 05:41 PM
Dear Dave ~
Consider yourself hooked up like a bad (Devil) Dog!! Check your email and thanks SO much. Happy Birthday, Jarhead!
Posted by: tree hugging sister at November 10, 2006 06:13 PM